The Student News Site of North Carolina A&T State University

The A&T Register

The Student News Site of North Carolina A&T State University

The A&T Register

The Student News Site of North Carolina A&T State University

The A&T Register

    Ask a Black Guy

    1. With the current economic situation, would you be willing to sleep with your boss to keep your job?

    Guy #1- I’ve never been a fan of prostitution. I think there are opportunities to get jobs all over the country. So I would have to say no just because I don’t want to degrade myself just to keep my job. However, if my boss was attractive then I think I would be willing to go through with it and play her little game.

    Guy #2- A wise woman once said, “You got to use what you got, to get what you want.” So if that means sleeping with my boss just to stay recession free, then so be it. While the man with pride sits there unemployed, I will be sitting comfortably at work. The world is far too cold for me to lose my job just because I got a point to prove. So I would be more than happy to sleep with my boss just as long as she is a female.

    Guy #3- I might have to decline. But then again I have never been in that situation so it is hard to say. This is a sick world so sometimes you have to do what you have to do to keep a job. Nobody listens to someone who is not economically stable. So I would have to be in that situation before I can give an honest answer.

    2. How did you feel about the Black In America special?

    Guy #1- I had to work so I didn’t catch it. But I heard it was good and touched on pretty good topics. I know my roommate and was discussing it with a few friends when I got home so I listened to their conversation. I think I like the fact that CNN is doing the special because I know the first one wasn’t all that great. So I’m glad to know they are consistently getting better with it.

    Guy #2- I thought it was very well put together. In addition to that, I think I loved how so many people were responding and talking about it on Twitter and Facebook. It was very interesting to see people getting involved on the special, which shined a light on a very interesting topic. I liked it a lot. I hope to see it come on again.

    Guy #3- I have never been a fan of the Black In America specials because I am black and I am in America so I think I already know the things they are talking about. I don’t need CNN to hit me with a bunch of facts and numbers that back up the knowledge I already know about my fellow black men and women.

    3. Why do guys treat their main girl and their side girls the same way?

    Guy #1- I think the real question should be “why do guys have a main girl and a side girl?” I think if you feel that you have to have more than one girl, then that main chick shouldn’t be a girl you deal with. I have seen guys play this game and it is sad to see guys play these girls up but I guess that’s just a part of being young and playing the game I suppose. But many of these guys will live and learn the hard way in the end.

    Guy #2- I believe in equality. Until I put a ring on it, I am going to treat them all the same. A main chick is nothing more than a girl I spend most of my time with. I believe that if you dealing with several girls then you don’t have a main chick, you simply have a girl who requires more time to keep her happy.

    Guy #3- I’m glad this question is anonymous. But I know I do it because I hate treating girls like less than a woman. That might sound crazy, but I believe that no girl, regardless of how loose she might be, wants to be treated like a loose girl. So I treat all my girls with equal respect. A lot of my brothers and I argue about this same thing, but I know this is a dirty game I’m playing either way. So instead of being a jerk to a bunch of girls, I might as well let them know I’m enjoying the time I’m spending with them.
