The Student News Site of North Carolina A&T State University

The A&T Register

The Student News Site of North Carolina A&T State University

The A&T Register

The Student News Site of North Carolina A&T State University

The A&T Register

    Making mistakes shouldn’t constitute condemnation

    Fall after fall after fall. Eventually what must happen to keep from falling again is to establish a firm foundation. A foundation that one can stand on, and not falter when the rains come and the wind blows. The leaders of this country fall time and time again. We fall time and time again. Too often the mistake is made of viewing prominent figures as having unhumanistic characteristics. It’s human to make mistakes, it’s human to fall, but we must get back up.So what is our role to ensure that the leaders of this nation don’t stay down once they fall, and make the same mistake twice? We support them. It makes no sense to kick a man while he’s down, or add fuel to the fire when it’s already blazing uncontrollably. Support can come in many facets. The first may be to pray, the second to write a letter of understanding and encouragement, the third may simply be to not condemn or be judgmental. For we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. As much as it seems history repeats itself and this world and it’s people just aren’t getting better, we need not be so closed minded that we forget that people make mistakes. Forsaking those we look up to won’t help get this country back on track. I believe Malcolm X said it best in his literary piece, The Ballot or the Bullet, when he said, “Any block, any minority block that has a block of votes that stick together is in a strategic position.” Malcolm wasn’t just speaking of voting together to make a change, but sticking together so that change is made with the ballot and without it. It is impossible as a people to unify if we don’t help one another get to the next level. The call was made by Martin Luther King Jr., When he said in his piece, I’ve Been to the Mountaintop, “For when people get caught up with which what is right and they are willing to sacrifice for it, there is no point short of victory.” There is no point short of victory when we reach down to help someone up, there is no point short of victory when we come together to fight for the injustices shown to all in today’s society, there is no point short of victory when we realize that unity is what brings about tranquility. Though we look at King and Malcolm as two men that had opposing views, they agreed that a house divided could not stand. Tavis Smiley, said in his recent visit to A&T, that we need to stop living in the 60’s and live for today. We need to take back what we have given away, and what has been taken from us. It’s time to come together, take back your culture and don’t ever forget it. Don’t look down on the brother who has nothing, don’t look down on the sister who’s struggling, and don’t forsake the leaders who fall. For he who is without sin let him cast the first stone.