1. Are you going to the Kappa party on Friday? 2. Isn’t there a Nxlevel party on the same night? 3. Which one are you going to? 4. Do you feel obligated to go to Kappa party because they have been gone so long? 5. Do you even know a Kappa from around here? 6. Do you even know what a Kappa is? 7. When did their plot get re-done? 8. Did you get a ticket to the Winston game? 9. Did you have to go to Winston to get it? 10. Do you think that we are gonna win? 11. Would that make last year’s win a fluke? 12. Have you been talking junk to your friends at Winston? 13. Do they hit you with the “chew tobacco spit” chant? 14. Do you respond with ‘AGGIE PRIDE’? 15. Did you go to see “The Final Destination?” 16. Since it was titled “THE FINAL,” are you hoping this is the last one? ? 17. Why did it have to be in 3d? 18. Did that make it better? 19. Or worse? 20. Are you off movies for a while now because of it?
- The Register Staff