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The A&T Register

The Student News Site of North Carolina A&T State University

The A&T Register

The Student News Site of North Carolina A&T State University

The A&T Register

    Is it time to say Obama is not doing his job yet?

    At what point will we hold Barack

    Obama accountable for the many issues we are facing in our country

    today? As an Obama voter, I must admit I have been a tad bit

    unsatisfied with the progress the country is making right


    At what point

    will we hold Barack Obama accountable for the many issues we are

    facing in our country today? As an Obama voter, I must admit I have

    been a tad bit unsatisfied with the progress the country is making

    right now.

    I voted to

    elect him into office, not because he’s black, but because I felt

    he was the best man for the job. However, I feel that the black

    community is supporting a man because of his race, not his quality

    of work. Because in all honesty, if we stepped back and looked, we

    are probably in worst shape now than we were in 2008 when he was


    Before I am

    called an Obama hater let me explain myself. I acknowledge that he

    has come into office after eight years of one of the worst

    presidencies in our country’s history. In addition to that, he has

    adopted the problems of a country that has been piling on debt for

    years that precede even the Bush administration. However, after

    three years in office, I have seen no visible, or invisible for

    that matter, signs of progress abroad or at home.

    I feel that the

    excitement of our first black president has come and gone. Now it

    is time for him to do the job we elected him to do. And for the

    ladies and gentlemen who will be quick to accuse me being a sellout

    or trader I challenge you to ask yourself, what major moves has our

    president made since being in office?

    If the man

    makes mistakes we must hold him accountable to them. Every time

    George W. Bush dropped the ball the black community were the first

    people to say what a terrible president he is. For every mistake he

    made, we held him personally responsible for the mistake and told

    him he needs to fix it.

    Now, in 2011,

    if the Obama administration fails to do what has been promised to

    the American people, we sit back and declare that the problems with

    the Obama administration is the fault of his predecessor and this

    task will take more than four years to fix. And although I agree

    with that statement to an extent, what positive moves forward have

    we made as a country that would show that our president is making

    strong visible strides?

    For starters,

    last week, new census data showed the nation’s poverty rate rose to

    more than 15%, the highest level since 1993. More than 46 million

    Americans are now considered in poverty, 2.6 million more than last


    In an attempt

    to save us from an economic crisis, the Obama administration put

    into place the stimulus package. However, many economists have

    proven that this program was a failure in terms of saving us from

    the economic crisis we were trying to avoid.

    Need more

    evidence to the struggles of his presidency? Well let’s not forget

    about the debt ceiling and how it is basically non-existent now.

    Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said “Never again will any

    president, from either party, be allowed to raise the debt ceiling

    without being held accountable for it by the American people and

    without having to engage in the kind of debate we’ve just come


    In addition to

    that, our relations abroad have not improved. What significant

    things have we seen done to improve our relations with countries in

    the Middle East and Africa? Many, if not all, of the same issues we

    faced abroad during the Bush years are still here.

    The Obama

    administration can hang their hat on the assassination of Osama Bin

    Laden and seemingly calming issues in Iran and Iraq. However with

    the exception of that, the war on terror is still a very likely


    The Obama

    administration has had quite a few accomplishments in these last

    three years. However, in terms of the major issues (economy,

    education, issues overseas, etc.) the Obama administration has

    failed to meet the standards many Americans would like for him to


    His approval

    rating is at an all time low right now. Although I do not feel that

    he should lose the election in 2012, I do believe the Obama

    administration needs to step up to the plate and take care of the

    issues we have been facing during his entire term.

    I do believe

    the Obama administration when they say they are working around the

    clock to help our country. However, I also believe what people do

    more than what people say. And thus far, I do not see much


    We have so many

    people of color who are still on this high of having our first

    black president, that we forget that all of the issues we voted him

    into office for in 2008 are not only still here, but are

    significantly getting worse by the day. I support our president,

    but it would be nice for that change he promised the American

    people to come sooner than later.

    • Trumaine McCaskill, Opinion Editor