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The A&T Register

The Student News Site of North Carolina A&T State University

The A&T Register

The Student News Site of North Carolina A&T State University

The A&T Register

    Ask a Black Guy

    The anniversary of Malcolm X’s assassination was this past Monday (Feb. 21, 2011). With a quick reflection, what part of his legacy do you feel is the most important for black people to remember?

    Guy #1- Malcolm X is nothing short of amazing if you ask me. He was perhaps one of the most intelligent men on the planet. He was perhaps just as, if not more, important as King at his time. This is why I will never forget his prison numbers. #22843! His number represents everything I live my life by. Rise from darkness into the light. The autobiography of Malcolm X changed my life and I’m sure it can do the same for others.

    Guy #2- Brother Malcolm was a great man. He was one of the most intelligent brothers to grace this planet. I think the biggest legacy he left us was confidence. Regardless if you agreed with his message or not, it is hard to deny that he walked with his shoulders back and his head held high. Even in the face of death, he never turned back and he kept pushing forward. I think more than anything that is what we should remember the most.

    Guy #3- Honestly, I never took the time out to read much about Malcolm. I know he is seen as a great man who did great things, but I just haven’t read enough to know for myself. But he must have been great because people talk about him all the time. So I think his legacy should live on because every story needs to be told, but I personally cannot say what that story is.

    What’s the reasoning for black men looking at a female’s butt every time they hold the door open for them?

    Guy #1- Because I think we have earned that right. We went out of our way to do a nice gesture for you. Do you know how many girls walk through the door without saying thank you on a regular basis? A LOT! So when we look at your butt it is our little reward for doing our good deed. It’s not like we are grabbing your butt or anything like that so I don’t see what the big deal is to be honest. We hold the door, we look, and then life goes on.

    Guy #2- Some guys are just like that I suppose. I don’t see the point in guys having to look at every girl that walks pass. Even if they are with another female, the guys still seem to stare down every sister that walks through the door. I personally don’t understand why, but I think it is just because of a lack of maturity I guess.

    Guy #3- Does it really matter? I really don’t see the big deal with me looking at your butt every now and then. I understand girls don’t want to be stared at all the time. But I think girls take some stuff men do and say too serious. Just let me glance and keep it moving. It’s just a peek. As long as we look, but don’t touch, then I think there’s nothing wrong with a man getting a few looks in here and there.

    Do men actually notice, or even care, if a woman has on makeup or not?

    Guy #1- Not really. At least I never notice. And I only seem to care when a girl’s face is really messed up. If she needs to wear it then do what you do. But there is no need to throw it in my face and expect me to notice. If I noticed everything you did to make yourself beautiful then that would be like me pointing out all of your flaws. I try not to pay attention that hard. I never notice because its not that big of a deal.

    Guy #2- I notice when girls have on way too much. I think females who wear makeup are completely insecure with themselves. Your natural beauty should not be covered up. If your face has imperfections then fine, but there is no need to cover it up. Someone should, and someone will, like you for who you are. Regardless of how many bumps or scars you have on your face.

    Guy #3- I do not pay attention enough to notice. My mother wears makeup and she has really made me see that women go above and beyond to look beautiful. So I’ve always been a fan of do what you got to do to make you feel pretty. Regardless if men find you pretty or not, if you don’t appreciate yourself, then who will? So if breast implants make you feel pretty, go for it. If you like dressing like a rock star for attention, then I love it. And if makeup makes you feel pretty, then I’m all for it.