The Student News Site of North Carolina A&T State University

The A&T Register

The Student News Site of North Carolina A&T State University

The A&T Register

The Student News Site of North Carolina A&T State University

The A&T Register

    Ask A Black Guy

    How do you feel about Valentine’s Day?

    Chick #1- I think it’s stupid. I feel like it is a very capitalistic “holiday”. I just think it is crazy how people let one day dictate how they express feelings toward someone. I miss the money and chocolate my dad gave me when I was younger, but besides that I don’t feel anything when it comes to Valentine’s Day.

    Chick #2- I use the day to make my guy smile a little bigger, feel a little more important and be all about him. It makes me feel good to see him smile; it doesn’t have to be all about me.

    Chick #3- I think we have so few days that focus on the strongest emotion that human beings have, love. I know some people disagree but Valentine’s Day is a great holiday to celebrate.

    Do you think all these housewives shows are having a negative effect on women?

    Chick #1- Yes because whether they realize it or not, most women are just imitating what they see on TV. In reality, these women are famous for doing absolutely nothing. These women are not educated nor do they educate others. The examples they are setting are nothing positive for other women. At the end of the day, they are just famous for having sex with athletes and that’s it.

    Chick #2- Yes! Women are out here acting like little girls because of the childish acts they see on television. Grown women are still thriving on drama, who’s sleeping with who, and trying to one-up one another; that’s what teenagers do. Focus on getting a career, becoming successful and being credible in society; the women on these shows are the complete opposite of what real women should be.

    Chick #3- They are entertaining. I think if people just used them for entertainment then I don’t have a problem with them. But some people take it too far and that’s where it becomes a problem.

    Where do you see black America in 10 years?

    Girl #1- I think we will regress in education and other important struggles. Our current generation is in a terrible state and we care about things that are completely irrelevant. And the sad part is a lot of people are perfectly fine with how we are now, so 10 years from now we will do nothing but continue to fall socially, educationally, and economically.

    Girl #2- I hope to see it in a better economic state than what it is in now. Realistically though, I think big changes that are needed we will just begin to start seeing those results. I see our youth not caring about education even more than they do today, technology advancing to the point of amazement and sadly more and more people unemployed and uneducated.

    Girl #3- As a human being I always have faith in progress and the positive side of society. So I have faith that in 10 years things will be much better for black people all over the world, not just America.
