The Student News Site of North Carolina A&T State University

The A&T Register

The Student News Site of North Carolina A&T State University

The A&T Register

The Student News Site of North Carolina A&T State University

The A&T Register

    Homosexuals fighting for human and American rights

    For starters, I would like to say that by no means am I, will I ever be, or ever even considered being a homosexual. With that being said however, I have become quite fed up with the treatment of our homosexual community.

    As the United States continues to grow as a nation it amazes me that the view of a same sex couple is still so strongly frowned upon.

    I will be the first to admit that I have been guilty of being judgmental of the homosexual community.  However, as an American it is impossible for me to treat the homosexual community any different than any other community.

    For starters, perhaps one of the most important sections of the Declaration of Independents states, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

    With this being said, it is not, nor has it ever been in this country, against the law to be a homosexual. Yet we treat homosexuals as if they are three fifth of a person. Why?

    We deny them the right to be married most states and try and use religion to justify it. Many people may conclude that although it is not against the law, it goes against the things we learn in the Bible or other religious books.

    Although this may be true that homosexuality is frowned upon in most religions, the Bible also states that no sin is greater than any other. What makes us committing adultery, disrespecting our mother and father, speaking the Lord’s name in vain, and stealing any less of a sin that being a homosexual?

    Christianity is not the only religion either. Most religions speak about love and equality, yet when it comes to the homosexuality community it appears that the only ones who love them are other homosexuals.

    We are all born sinners in some way or form, and if no sin is greater than any other, why can’t we stop trying to use the Bible as a way to justify our homophobia?

    In some countries homosexuality is punishable by death. Even in the United Sates, many men and women have become victims of hate crimes due to their sexual preference.

    And its amazing that we can complain about a lot of other issues in this world but seem to turn our heads to things such as this.

    Homosexuality may not be our personal choice but why talk down on anyone who chooses to live his or her life as a homosexual?

    I find it funny that black women are so critical and judgmental of homosexuals, and then complain about so many down low brothers. Appears to me that if you stopped expressing your deep hatred for gay men, then maybe they will be more willing to tell you about their true past.

    And it’s also comical to see men who love lesbians, but go above and beyond to express their deep hatred for gay men. Gay men, most of the time, could careless if a straight man likes them or not, and a woman is probably a lesbian because she wants NOTHING to do with men.

    So in other words, your opinion about them means absolutely nothing. Yet for whatever reason, we have some people who go above and beyond to express their hatred towards the homosexual community.

    As previously stated, I am not a homosexual. However, I do support gay rights for I believe gay rights are also human rights! I think that being gay is not as bad as being a murderer or rapist.

    And this society seems to be full of that.

    Some people believe the world would be better without gay people. Well imagine the world without Elton John, J.M. Barrie, Augustus, Queen Latifah, Ellen Degeneres, James Avery, and Bessie Smith.

    Homosexuals should not be judged for whom they lay with. Instead, they should be judged for the work they do and their contributions to the world. And with that being said, I support the homosexual community even if the rest of the world cast you aside!