Hurricane Sandy is no joke. Imagine living without electricity for a week.
Telephone and electrical lines are down, your city is submerged in salt water, and your only means of transportation is under temporary suspension.
Gasoline is insufficient, and you are living in constant fear of what malicious crime will take place next.
This concept of apprehension and uncertainty is the unfortunate reality of many people who live in the northeastern region of the United States.
Schools have been cancelled and most people cannot make it to work.
Redemption of the northeast is currently a work in progress and surely presents a great number of challenges.
With a death toll that is constantly rising, the friends and family members of the deceased are left with one option.
That option is to weep in sorrow. Â
Based on your geographical location, you may have thought that you were immune to the after effects of this catastrophe, but everyone is affected one way or another.
Voting, the economy, taxpayer dollars, and health are all factors that have been affected by Sandy.
In states with early voting, voting was briefly suspended and hours were extended when reopened.
Because transportation is limited, issues regarding voting locations have risen.
Not all residents are able to reach their designated voting polls or any polls for that matter.
A lack of electrical service is bringing about questions concerning how efficiently votes will be recorded.
These issues could have a serious effect on who is voted President, especially if the cities are not operating adequately in time for voters to go to their polls or send in their absentee ballots.
It is hard for us to come out of a debt when we are always spending.
So this is where we stand, a struggling nation trying to get out of a recession while facing major setbacks.
Yes, it is true that natural disasters strike spontaneously, so there was no way for us to be financially prepared for such a serious event.
The northeast is one of the country’s largest tourist areas and certainly our economic powerhouse.
If people cannot perform their jobs, the northeast’s economy could become immobile and deadlocked.
With all of the unsanitary water in the streets, there is an obvious health risk.
I am also sure that the stagnant sewage ridden water is providing the perfect setting for the breeding of bacteria and disease.
Residents are more vulnerable to contract sicknesses and spread germs amongst each other, which will eventually spread to other areas.
Dealing with unsanitary streets and gradually declining temperatures is the same as extending an invitation to chronic illness.
If you thought that you were in the clear, think again.
Hurricane Sandy had it out for all of us, not just the East Coast.
I hope I am wrong and the aftermath of Sandy will not be as bad as I expect it to be, but you never know.
- Kimberly Fields, Staff Reporter