The Student News Site of North Carolina A&T State University

The A&T Register

The Student News Site of North Carolina A&T State University

The A&T Register

The Student News Site of North Carolina A&T State University

The A&T Register

    Ask A Black Guy

    How do you feel about the results from SGA elections?

    Guy #1- I think next year’s officers will have a lot of work to do that I’m not sure they will be able to handle. I think they have potential but then again they have already shown a lot of weaknesses. Look at the man just elected president. He’s not even in office yet and he is already getting angry and having to make apologies on Twitter. I think with that kind of leadership we are going to see a lot of problems within SGA next year.

    Guy #2- I’m rarely on campus so I’m not sure who won but I do know that SGA a lot of times is a popularity contest. With the exception of homecoming, I don’t put much faith in my student officers to make a lot of changes that we all need to see. I think next year will be full of highs and lows just like every other year. I didn’t vote but then again if you did I hope everyone is satisfied with who won because regardless of how you feel, it is what it is.

    Guy #3- I was satisfied with it at first. But now that I have seen how the president feels about many of the students who have taken a few years to graduate and now I am not so sure how I feel about next school year. If he cracks and shows his colors this early, then imagine what he will do later. And if the president is like that, just imagine how the people under him will act.

    I know most men afraid to admit their fears. However, would you mind sharing one fear you have as a black man.

    Guy #1- My biggest fear is failure. It is one of those things that is unavoidable in this life, however I think I will never get use to it. Failing at anything makes me stronger, but it also takes a lot out of me. I never want anyone to see me as a failure. The feeling of defeat is something you never get use to because when you do all you can, and you come up short, you begin to start questioning youself. So I think that is my biggest fear because it not only effects others, it effects your outlook on yourself as well..

    Guy #2- My only fear is God. The Almighty has shown me that he can be my best friend, or he can make me fear him for my life (literally). I’ve seen so many things in this life that the only fear I have is the wrath of God himself. Maybe I should fear more things, but at the end of the day, when God decideds it’s time for me to go, then he will take me out. And since I feel that way, he’s the only thing I fear. Just like the Bible verse goes, “as I walk through the valley of the shadow of death…”

    Guy #3- My biggest fear is, was, and forever will be, black women. These are the most unpredictable creatures on God’s green earth. One moment they are cool; next moment they are bleeding for a week, angry, and in rage. I think black women should be praised, but at the same time I don’t trust them because they can flip at any minute,

    What’s a good age to start having children?

    Guy #1- You can’t put an age limit on that. It’s all about maturity. Some people can have kids at 25; others at 30. If you decide to have a child then I just hope you are ready to take on all the responsibilities of being a mother or father. For me, I plan on having children after being married for 7 years before I let a drop of my babies enter any woman.

    Guy #2- I say no earlier than 25 and no later than 30. You still want to be young enough to have fun with your kids, and still old enough to have the maturity to be able to guide your children to become better than yourself. I got a few more years before I have any children so I hope by the time I finally settle down and start having them, I am where I need to be in life.

    Guy #3- Well I had my first son when I was 16. That was way too young. I love my son to death, but it made things very difficult for my girlfriend and myself. However, I can’t put an age limit on when to start. It all depends on when you’re ready. A human life, not just a baby, is now depending on you to grow up and know right from wrong. The responsibility is great, however I say everyone should wait until both parents can undoubtedly agree that the time is right.