Managing class, group meetings and homework can be tedious for a college student. On top of this long list of tasks, add a relationship too.
Being in college and a relationship can be stressful because both require dedication and attention. So where is the handy instruction guide to help us when college and relationships become overwhelming?
To tell the truth, I do not know and I am still looking for the book. I finally developed a solution: First, get involved in the organization or club that suites you.
The activity that you enjoy doing and do not mind waking up for will be your stress reliever.
Do not worry about the clock because if you enjoy participating in the club you are in, time will not matter.
Second, let your significant other know your daily routine. If you participate in activities and go to class, tell your partner your schedule so there will not be any confusion.
Third, if you find your relationship still struggling after these options, maybe that is what needs to change.
If your partner cannot understand that you are busy trying to make a living when you graduate then it is time to find someone who matches your motivation.
I can sympathize with those who are in a relationship while juggling classes and on campus activities. When I first began a relationship in college, I had to find my main priority. My first priority was to attend class and complete homework assignments.
The struggle began when I joined clubs on campus. I fought with a lack of sleep and additional work to my schedule. I turned my attention less to participating in clubs and focused more on my relationship.
After changing my focus, my relationship began to have problems.
My initial reaction was to fix my relationship first and then return back to the clubs that I was once a part of. My passion for being involved on campus began to disintegrate while I worked on my relationship.
I eventually realized that the best idea was not to forget about the clubs I was in; however, it did add a lot of free time to my agenda.
My relationship began to struggle again and I had nowhere to relieve stress from my daily routines and relationship.
Now in my last semester of senior year in college, I realized that taking more out of my schedule was not the answer. Not that all relationships in college will end the way mine did.
I found that my relationship was a hinder to being involved on campus activities.
When your love matches your motivations in life, the time in college will become your best.
- Christin Hope