Why is it so hard for men to be satisfied with just one girl?
Guy #1 Just look around! When you think you got the best options, something better always comes around. Itโs like a new car or a new pair of Jordanโs. Women look good, but thereโs always another girl who looks better.
Guy #2 For the same reason a rich man cannot be satisfied with just one car. Or the same reason a black woman cannot be satisfied with just one pair of shoes. Men, not just black men either, have been dealing with multiple women since thousands of years ago. This is not just an African American thing. Itโs a man thing. We cannot be satisfied because we have the option to have multiple women. This may not be fair, but itโs the way the world works. For the only thing I can really tell these.
Guy #3 I would have to say itโs because we always want something we cannot have. A man cheats because he is either greedy or tired of what he already has. Our society is full of greed and when it comes to multiple partners the same rules apply. However, oppose to moving on, we like to rack up on as many people as we can. Even if we are bored with you, we still might keep you around just to have someone to fall back on.
Why are black men so afraid to come out and say that they are, or have been, gay at one point in their life?
Guy #1 A lot of men lose credibility as a man if they come out and admit to being a homosexual. Either that, or they are afraid to be shunned by their friends and family. Homosexuality is very frowned upon in the black community, so you cannot expect a man to openly jump out and admit that he is gay.
Guy #2 Perhaps the problem does not lie in black men, but more so in our society. In many African countries it is common for black men to be banished or even killed for being a homosexual. In America they might not kill us but they surely do not accept homosexuality. Black men are already seen as a mystery to America. So to come out and say you are gay is just begging for trouble. I think the fear is deeper than most women think. Itโs not because we are trying to hide from you. Itโs more because black men are afraid of the negative backlash they will receive from a society that does not accept them for being black and gay.
Guy #3 Coming from an openly homosexual male, I would say it is because of family reasons. Black families raise kids to grow up and be heterosexual. So when he embraces his homosexuality, it is strongly frowned upon. In addition to that, African American families are very religious and this plays a big factor in our views on homosexuality. Religion frowns on homosexuality and this caries over to the way people view it. And since no one, especially black men, want to be seen as outcast, many males keep it hidden. No man wants to be ridiculed for the rest of his life. So this is probably why men keep it hidden.
How do you feel about the academic achievement gap between black men and black women?
Guy #1 We got a lot more going on and a lot of different skills. Our attention span might not be as good in the classrooms, but guys still have skills that women will never have. Girls do great in classrooms, but lack certain skills men do such as public speaking, bankers, engineering, etc.
Guy #2 I actually love it. It shows that women are no longer letting men beat them down. It truly shows the strength of the black women. They still strive academically in a society that is dominated by men. So I applaud them. This doesnโt mean black men are weak or stupid. It just means we need to step our game up. Men dominate the society so we have been able to use that as a crutch, but the time has come that we pick it back up. For although this may be a great thing for black women, black men need to step up and reclaim our greatness.
Guy #3 It makes me feel bad for black men today but as black men we have to encourage others to go to school. We have the power and authority to dictate the next generationโs direction. We can help mold and change this. Being educated is more than just being smart. Being educated is to know that we have to pass the torch to the next generation. We have to uplift the college students of tomorrow. We cannot be stuck in right now. We have to simply look ahead.