The A&T Register’s photo editor, Kenneth Hawkins Jr., spoke on his tenure here at A&T. He will be graduating on May 12.
Well well well the time has come for me to write my farewell.
These past four years have been the best four years of my life.
Ihave been working here now for four years and seeing different people leave A&T has me excited.
I came to A&T sight un-seen and for most that is a scary thought. But since day one I have loved A&T and knew it was one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life.
Since my freshman year I have been taking pictures at almost every event since Fall 2008 and I have immensely enjoyed it. Being in the present of the leaders of A&T gives me a better idea of how A&T is ran and where they want A&T to be.
I want to say thank you to professor Emily Harris and agriculture communications photographer James Parker for helping me get all the info I need to be successful at The A&T Register and the Greensboro News & Record while I was still in high school via email. You two have been great mentors over the past four years and I look forward to keeping in touch with you all. Also thank you to the journalism department faculty and staff you all have been there at some point in time and I thank you for that.
Thank you to professor Neiman for being the best academic adviser and news writing teacher. Thank you Dr. Whitley for having all the answers and being a photo-buddy.
Professor Styles, thank you for being a great teacher and taking care of your Atlanta babies. Professor Atkinson, thanks for being another great News-Record mentor.
Professor Allen Johnson, thanks for everything and A&T and UNCG will never merge as long as I’m a PROUD alum. Professor Cunningham-Egranham, thanks for being tough on me. I know Kelcie and I tried to run away from you class. Professor Pender-Jones, thanks for being another person with all the answers and a great mentor. Professor Wickham, thanks for all the great conversations and telling me I always jump the gun. Professor Wiggins, thank you for all the support and help along the way; it’s always appreciated.
And to Professor Callahan, whose class I never took but you were always a great supporter and thank you for that.
Ms. D, Ms. K and Ms. Long, if every office at A&T had you ladies then all the offices throughout the campus would be great, on behalf of the Triple Threat, we thank you. Also I can not forget Ms. Zimmerman in Marteena Hall who class I took at night just to be in her class. And Ms. Ford in Hodgin Hall, I thank you for all the help freshman and sophomore year. Anjan, newspaper grad assiant and now professor I appreacite all the good advice it went a long way.
Now really quick to one of my minor professors, Sherill Corry even though you are leaving A&T, I learned the most in your classroom, thanks.
Thanks to University Relations as well. From one journalist to another I understand your pain.
Now to Chancellor Harold Martin and the Graduation Committee I am glad to see that the committee decided our graduation was important enough and allowed us four extra tickets.
I am happy the committee did not keep 3,000 tickets for special guest. Staff only kept about 1,500 as I suggested at the forum.
It definitely showed that you cared about the senior class and the millions of dollars we have paid this institution. We really do thank you for hearing our concerns.
To the NC A&T Atlanta Alumni Association thank you for introducing me to my new best friends since May 2008. Shout out to the Atlanta Crew: DeMarcus, James, Trevor, Jamie and Shanita (even though I met your mom first). I can’t forget the others who were in our group from freshmen year Gary, Kalon, Ariel, Darren and Earl. Amanda, Leah, Tameka, Caya, I’m going to miss you all too. Shout out to the Georgia Aggies because if you know me then you know I love my hometown. Erin, Makenzie, Joliee and Alex I did not forget about you thanks for everything.
Triple Threat; Kelcie, Sylvia and myself will always be together in some way in our future. Insomnia it was good to have you all in the midst of my friends as well.
To the A&T Register staff 2011- 2012 I’m going to miss you all and the Tuesday nights.
“Chuck Diesel” and Vaughn we have been in classes together since university experience and I’m going to miss you as well. The same for you Trumaine since freshman year we have been cool and now we work together at the newspaper.
Shout out to the #PCB Beach Boys and the #SouthBeach Boys. To the 2012-2013 staff you guys have big shoes to fill, so please step up to the plate and be even better. Also to the Yearbook staff I am going to miss working there too.
Last but not the least, I want to say thank you to Sharon Goodrum, my mom for being there for me and getting me to this point. Thanks family and everybody else that helped me along the way. To everybody else see you at #GHOE.
And follow him on Twitter
- Kenneth L. Hawkins, Photo Editor