Planning a family vacation for your upcoming spring break? For parents, family travel is exciting, but planning ahead can also be completely overwhelming. The idea of traveling in a car can be extra intimidating, but with the right travel tips for kids, you can make sure you have an amazing vacation full of positive memories.
The family road trip is a good travel option if you have children. Driving is perfect if you have a shorter distance to travel and can save you a lot of money. It’s also good if you have multiple destinations you want to visit as you can plan an itinerary around the sights you really want to see.
Tip 1: Choose the right time to leave
Smart parents know to leave when their children will be relaxed or sleeping. If you’re really ambitious, leave in the evening and drive part of the time through the night. If that isn’t an option, plan around nap times and quiet times. One of the worst times is right after children wake up because they have a lot of energy to burn and will need entertainment in the car.
Tip 2: Road trip games
Your spring break road trip won’t be complete without fun car games. Remember the games you played in the car as a child such as the alphabet game and tracking state license plates? Teach your children these games and make up new ones as you go.
Tip 3: Pack quiet activities
After entertaining your kids for a while, you may want some quiet drive time, so be sure to bring activities your kids can do by themselves. Books, coloring supplies, CD players, DVD players and small handheld games can all be sanity-savers.
Tip 4: Pack healthy snacks
Fast food and gas station grub is not healthy and can be an expense that adds up fast. Plan ahead and pack some healthy treats that are appropriate to eat in the car. Some good ideas include an assortment of water and beverages, fresh fruits, snack bars and crackers. Remember to try to pack items that are easy to eat or you may find all your snacks on your car’s floor when you arrive at your destination.
Tip 5: Pack medicine
Kids can get sick in an instant during spring breaks, so if you’re taking a road trip, particularly a long one, you’ll want some basic supplies at your disposal. Some items to consider packing are children’s aspirin, allergy medicine, and medicine for upset stomach and diarrhea. If your child is currently taking a prescription, make sure to bring enough for the entire length of your vacation. A roll of paper towels and sealable plastic bags can also come in handy for any illness-related messes. You never know when you’ll have access to a drug store for necessary items.