How do you feel about Kim Kardashian getting divorced?
Guy #1- I as an individual could careless. However, I know a lot of girls look up to her as a role model of some kind. So I hope this shows them that she is no different than any other Hollywood superstar who does these things just for money and attention. Kim K is just another woman who is famous for no reason. Her life has no significance to 99% of Americans, yet we are talking about it right now. So I hope this divorce shows people to wake up and stop paying attention to this woman and her family because they are just dumbing us all down.
Guy #2- I didn’t even know she was married until you just told me. But now that I know, I think it is funny. Women around the country are going to be so sad and shocked, but I’m going to need them to wake up. They can front and say they don’t look up to this woman as an icon, but ratings and the media say otherwise. She is not important so neither is her divorce. It’s all about money.
Guy #3- Oh no! Not KK! This is bigger news than the situation in Libya. Better yet, this is bigger news than Occupy Wall Street. Kardashian is a living legend for women of all ages. We should all be doing everything we can to make sure these two obvious lovebirds stay together. The future of the world depends on their marriage. I think if A&T students were serious about a better tomorrow, we should stop the Join Me at the Polls, and start a Join Me at Divorce Court movement. Hopefully Kim will see us there and realize this divorce is madness. (This answer was completely sarcastic for those of you who were taking this serious.)
What do guys think of girls with tattoos?
Guy #1- I think it is sexy for girls to not have any tattoos. Today most women have tattoos and it is refreshing to find a girl who breaks away from the trend and decides to not mark up her body. The female body is beautiful the way it is and does not need to have any tattoos on it. This doesn’t mean I will ignore a girl with tattoos, it just means I much rather talk to a girl without one.
Guy #2- I like tattoos so I think a girl with tattoos have interesting stories. Everyone with tattoos have a reason to why they got what they got. Even if the reason is “I like the design.” You can tell a lot about a person from what he or she puts on his or her body. So girls with tattoos have great stories to me. They are great ways to see where her mind is.
Guy #3- Depends on where the tattoo is on her body. I personally like a tattoo that I have to go searching for. It shows me that she has secrets and surprises up her sleeves. A girl like that is exciting to be with because you never know what to expect next. But if she has tattoos all over her body and stuff I think girls like that need to just go sit down. That is not, was not, and will never be cute to most guys. Big tattoos on a girl are not sexy, plain and simple.
Seeing how the World Series was one of the best ever this year, yet nobody on campus was even talking about it, why do you think so many black Americans hate baseball?
Guy #1- I don’t hate baseball. I just choose not to watch it because of the lack of black players. Last time I checked, which was recently, Major League Baseball has fewer black players than they have had in the past 40 years. I think for more black people to be interested we need to get another black slugger in the mix. Sports such as baseball, golf, and hockey can have more black viewers if they have more black players and participants.
Guy #2- Hate is too strong of a word. I think it is more of a dislike because baseball is boring. The games are too long and you rarely see anyone score. It’s just like soccer. I watch a game every now and then but I really get mad when the NBA season ends because there’s that period of time where baseball is all you got to watch and that is so boring to me. Playing baseball is fun, going to a game is actually entertaining, and there are typically good story lines in the sport. But watching it on TV is so boring to me.
Guy #3- I think it is because people like to see big plays. A homerun is great, but it comes so few and far in between that most people become bored. And that’s not just a black thing. I watched most of the World Series and it was great, but ratings were down significantly this year. Baseball just doesn’t do it for most Americans anymore. And that’s not because of race, that’s just because Americans want that big play that you rarely see in baseball.