The Student News Site of North Carolina A&T State University

The A&T Register

The Student News Site of North Carolina A&T State University

The A&T Register

The Student News Site of North Carolina A&T State University

The A&T Register

    Ask A Black Guy

    1. What are a few things you would like to see in the New Year?

    Guy #1- I would like to see people become more focused on their own life instead of the lives of others. I think in the last few years people have become so addicted to Twitter, Facebook, reality shows, and everything else that they have lost their own identity. I think the greatest thing that could happen is for all these social networks and reality shows to fade away and people get back to what is really important. I miss the days where Twitter was not a reliable source for quoting someone. Where black sitcoms with real black actors and positive messages were shown more than ignorant reality shows with ignorant people who deliver no message except for how to act like a coon. If people could grow out of a simple mindset this year, I would be a very happy man.

    Guy #2- I would love for people to start paying more attention to the political process. I think people are going to vote for Obama just because of his skin color but it would be nice for people to vote for more than just the simple minded things. I think if we paid more attention to the people running the country then we will be fine as a people.

    Guy #3- I would like to see an end to the recession. I see so many people struggling with that and it is sad to see people lose their jobs, college graduates not finding work, or just working at a job that demands a lot, but plays a little. I think if the recession takes a strong turn a lot of people will feel better, and I like to see people feel good.

    2. Are most relationships in college based on love and trust or just lust?

    Guy #1- Depends on when you meet that person. I would say freshman and sophomore year people are just living life and seeing where their adventures take them. This normally leads to a physical and lustful type of relationship. Both parties are probably too immature to have a serious relationship, and if not that then they are probably just too young to have anything real. However, once you get older, get to know yourself a little better, and have a stronger focus on life, you become more selective on who you let into that life. This is when you see people find the relationships they would like to see last beyond graduation. So I think college relationships have two different phases.

    Guy #2- I’ve been in a relationship since high school so my personal view might be different than others. However, I do know that there is a lot of lust around this age group. Of course you have some exceptions, but for the most part I think a lot of people are just looking for a physical attraction oppose to the real thing. If people, especially females, could control their hormones a little better, then you would be able to see more people finding real love opposed to just the fake thing.

    Guy #3- I think both. I think when we first enter college all we want to do is mess around. So a lot of people see an increase in their “body count” between their freshman and sophomore year. After a while, guys get tired of it and girls become wiser to the lies guys tell. We then become selective of whom we let in our beds because we are tired of the childish games. This is when you see guys and girls going out less and spending more time with their significant other. Thus love develops because they know this relationship will last beyond college.

    3. What do you think is the biggest excuse girls use to stay in a bad relationship?

    Guy #1- I think girls hold onto bad relationships because they think the guy is going to turn into something she wants him to be opposed to what he really is. A lot of females see the potential in a guy and they think they can help bring that out of him. So they stay in relationships and wait until that miraculous day comes and it never does. And years later they look at the relationship as a waste of time but in reality if the relationship didn’t go anywhere that is the woman’s fault for wasting her own time. Most girls lie to themselves and that is normally why they stay in a bad relationship. This only makes a bad situation much worse.

    Guy #2- Girls use everything as an excuse. Bad timing, good sex, money, and a lot of other things are reasons girls stay with a bad guy. However I think the biggest reason is because of the time girls put into the relationship. It is hard to let go of someone who you have invested a lot of time in. So many girls will wait until they hit absolute rock bottom before walking away. So to answer the question more directly I think time spent is the biggest excuse girls use.

    Guy #3- I think sex makes things so complicated for women. It is easier for guys to separate the two but for a lot of women once you spread your legs for a guy, he’s stuck with you for a while. Regardless of how terrible he treats you, you’re going to stick with him because you gave him a piece of you. However, if many girls realized guys do not think about sex the same way you would be able to just move on a lot easier. Sex makes it harder for any girl to just move on.
