The Student News Site of North Carolina A&T State University

The A&T Register

The Student News Site of North Carolina A&T State University

The A&T Register

The Student News Site of North Carolina A&T State University

The A&T Register

    Ask A Black Guy

    As a black man, how did you feel about Red Tails?

    Guy #1- I think it was an amazing movie. It truly represented the strength of black men and I think it was a great history lesson for young black men who have forgotten that black men are capable of doing more than just rapping and selling drugs. We are soldiers, fighters, and lovers as well. This movie truly helped show all of those features. I think we need more movies like this one and hopefully Hollywood will see that now.

    Guy #2- I think the movie was just okay. I think the acting could have been a little better and it could have been a little more historically accurate, but overall I give it a B. I think some people want to hype up the movie because of the story behind how difficult it was to make it but in reality the movie was not all that special in my opinion. But then again I can see how some people can get caught up in the hype.

    Guy #3- I know it is only January, but I think it will stand a strong case for movie of the year. The actors, except Ne-Yo, did very well and I think it was great that it came out right before black history month. I think black men and women will start seeing more of our faces on the big screen now because of this movie. That alone says a lot!

    How do you deal with crazy ex-girlfriends?

    Guy #1- Well luckily I have been able to avoid crazy ex-girlfriends. However, I do know plenty of friends who have drama with their past loves. I think they deal with it by honestly accepting the fact that many of them put themselves in that situation. Most guys know if a girl is crazy or not within the first 10 days of them messing around. So he knows that when they stop talking, she’s going to go crazy. So most guys just prepare themselves for the storm because they know they can’t avoid it.

    Guy #2- A lot of girls at this age are highly immature. Even the seniors who think they got it all together are immature because they are still insecure. So if a girl gets cut off, regardless if she was ever technically your “girlfriend” or not, she’s going to show signs of craziness. Thus, I deal with a crazy ex by ignoring them. Acting crazy does nothing more than confirm the fact that it is a good thing you and I didn’t work out.

    Guy #3- I try to calm her down and show her that acting crazy does nothing but push me and her apart. I think many girls blame guys for the break up. Even if the break up is not completely his fault, experience has told me the only way to deal with a crazy ex is by showing her you understand her argument, but this doesn’t mean the two of you need to get back together. This normally works out for me. If not that, then there’s nothing wrong with just blocking your number/Facebook/Twitter.

    For the election coming up later this year, what advice would you give your President?

    Guy #1- I would tell President Obama to keep doing what he has been doing because regardless of what the media might say, he still holds the support of the minority community. I think the media is trying to scare Americans into voting but in reality everyone knows that Obama is a far better leader than all of the Republican candidates put together. I think his campaign knows this too but they have to be politically correct so I’m sure nobody will say anything until after the election.

    Guy #2- Make sure to keep showing people the good he has done. I believe President Obama has done some great things but people want instant success. However, if he can show them that CHANGE takes time, then people would be willing to give him a second chance. Many of the American people do not pay attention to political process so they are uneducated to the change we have made over these last four years. Thus, the Obama campaign needs to focus on the road we have walked opposed to the road still ahead.

    Guy #3- I think President Obama will be fine. He doesn’t need any advice. He is a brilliant man who knows what it takes to win an election. However, I think I would tell him to always be honest and true to the people who helped put him in office. The minority community played a big role in his election, yet we are constantly on the slide. I think if Obama will go down as a great president, he needs to show his black side and help his brothers and sisters who are struggling. He will be free to be honest next term so there’s no more excuses.
