1. After Kanye’s outburst at the VMAs can he be considered a weapon of mass destruction? 2. Where was the Iraqi shoe-throwing guy when you need him? 3. Why was there more Facebook and Twitter chatter about Kanye than Rep. Joe Wilson? 4. Is it because black people don’t care about the president? 5. Did you know it was rumored that Obama called Kanye a “jackass”? 6. Does Kanye have designs in his hair because his waves suck? 7. If you were a millionaire, how much would you spend on a doo-rag? 8. What if it was Louis Vuitton? 9. Did you see how shaken up the line judge was when Serena went Incredible Hulk? 10. How many women would stand up to Serena? 11. How many dudes? 12. How many people would feel like they had to kick her in the crotch and run? 13. Are we ready to start rooting for the 2-0 Aggies? 14. Do you need a third win to make you believe it’s not a fluke? 15. Does this mean we have to stop making fun of the football team in 20 questions? 16. Did anyone see the Blue squad cheerleader whose skirt was SUPER small? 17. Could you even pay attention to their cheers because of it? 18. Aren’t they MEAC champions? 19. Shouldn’t they have money to get uniforms that fit? 20. Did you see the football manager get speared by that Norfolk football player?
- The A&T Register Staff