Yes Ladies, topics that make us stumble upon every insecurity or doubt. I am talking about men and relationships. There are certain questions that all women ask. We ask our girl friends or turn to re-run episodes of Sex and the City to answer them.
Is it love? Is it lust? Does he just want me for sex? Is this relationship real or just a fling? Is he acting jealous because he truly cares, or is he being obsessive? What does he say about me to his friends?
Maybe if women spent more time self-evaluating instead of turning to their single friends or television shows, we could get the answers that we seek. How do you portray yourself? Do you greet him with the infamous “come hither” eye? Do you do the old “suck in and push up,” hoping to appear like a centerfold when you are around him? Do you honestly feel like you are being true to yourself?
If your answers were, “Yes, Wow Yes, ABSOLUTELY, Okay maybe not,” then chances are, he may want something more than just intimate conversation.
If you two are out for a date and once it is over he insists on “hanging out” for a little while longer, goes on to making himself comfortable, and invites you to sit on your own couch sort of comfortable, what do you think is about to happen, coffee and cookies? If he only texts you at night, does not introduce you to his friends, never asks you about your family and all of his opinions are your opinions, clearly he is after one thing, and one thing alone. This is called the “Double M,” also known as Men Marketing. Men Marketing for guys is telling a female something that they want to hear to get what they want. Do not fall for these tricks.
And a little jealousy is great for a relationship, but there is a very fine line between being protective because you know that what you have is a great, and being so obsessive that it is causing harm to your health whether it is mentally or physically.
If he screams at the guy who is looking at you as if he has not eaten in 12 days and you are his full course meal, he may just really care, but if he punches that man and does not “allow” you to go out anywhere where there are men because of his own insecurities, then this is an obsession.
It is important in every relationship to realize that there is a time to work and love harder, but there is also a time to leave. Know the difference. There is also a time to let him be the man and “wear the pants,” but you should always demand respect.
Often times, I see young women complain about relationships, especially Aggie women on social networks. Understand, life is short, and you only have one to live. With that being said, love hard and dream harder because those who hope wish to live it, and those who dream already have. Learn that you can fall in love without losing yourself, and understand that there are more checkers on the board. Although, you may have to jump over a few pieces before you find your king. You can be alone and not be considered lonely.
- By: Priscilla Bennett