It is saddening to know that nearly 50 years after the beginning
of the Civil Rights movement the same things Americans fought for
are the same issues that we face today. So why did the College
Republican’s at University of California, Berkeley hold a blatantly
racist “Increase Diversity Bake Sale”?
It is saddening to know that nearly 50 years after the beginning of the Civil Rights movement the same things Americans fought for are the same issues that we face today. So why did the College Republican’s at University of California, Berkeley hold a blatantly racist “Increase Diversity Bake Sale”?
When I saw this all I could think is why in the world does race still matter? At this point it should clearly be understood that every race is equal in capacity and is able to do anything that another race can do—man or woman. However, surprisingly, it was a reasonable cause. This group of students attempted to satirically criticize California’s Senate Bill 185, which would allow universities in the University of California system to use affirmative action in its admissions process.
The bake sale was a one-day event that lasted from 10 am to 2 pm, and sold baked goods to patrons at varying prices depending on their race and gender. White men were charged $2, Asian men $1.50, Latino men $1, Black men 75 cents and Native American men 50 cents; all women received 25 cents off.
The reasoning behind the different prices was supposedly to show that preferential treatment should not be accepted and that no race is above any other.
In a perfect world this would definitely be correct. But unfortunately we do not live in a perfect world and our morals and beliefs lead us to side on this rationale. When it comes to minorities in our society we are often underprivileged and are put on the back burner for the majority in many situations (i.e education, employment, etc.).
Preferential treatment is rarely considered for minorities and the advantages are limited.
Good try College Republican’s of UC Berkley but it would simply be unrealistic not to have affirmative action at universities such as your own (PWIs). Without affirmative action, some of the brightest minority students would not be able to attend school at Ivy Leagues.
This action gives minorities a chance because we will always be looked at as undeserving and will more likely than not have our race regarded in many instances.
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- DaShawn Fleming, Staff Reporter