The Student News Site of North Carolina A&T State University

The A&T Register

The Student News Site of North Carolina A&T State University

The A&T Register

The Student News Site of North Carolina A&T State University

The A&T Register

    This is my last hoorah; time literally flies

    I’ve known this chance was coming since I first started working at the paper. My last hoorah; where I can leave any anger I may have, any offers of support or just a chance to say something. What I did not realize is that the time would literally FLY by.

    Graduation is next week and I can literally remember my first day on campus, doing the infamous Aggie Shuffle, breaking down crying in frustration in front of Dowdy.

    I have learned so much during my four years at A&T and have grown not only as an individual, a student but also as a woman.

    Coming to A&T was, without a doubt, one of the, if not the, best decision I have ever made. This school is so rich with history, with amazing students, wonderful faculty and staff. I could go on and rant about the bad (which I will later), but what mostly sticks out to me is the good.

    To those freshmen and sophomores with a few years left- enjoy your time here. Make friends, lose friends, make the best out of your time here. I know that’s cliché for a grad to say, but it’s the truth. I have met some of the most important people in my life here on this campus.

    Have fun, but be about your business too. Work first, play later. Get internships… lots of them. Start early.

    To incoming seniors, start looking for a job post grad yesterday. Your last year will past you by so quickly, it’s unreal.

    I never thought I would meet a new best friend, linesisters and friends that I will forever have a relationship with.

    To my best friend, my ride or die- you already know what it is I’m so thankful to have a friendship like yours and blessed to call you my best friend.

    To AGOWBT, you ladies have changed me for the better. Thank you for being there, through laughs, tears, blood and sweat, no matter what.

    Last week during Aggie Fest, I tweeted “I have met some amazing people while here at A&T.”

    And that is the truth. Working here are some of the most understanding, thoughtful, and caring professors, faculty and staff.

    Are they perfect? By no means. But I have seen drastic changes since I came in 2007 to now.

    The alumni who have walked this campus have set great standards and I hope to continue the legacy.

    I must also mention a couple of random thoughts: Ladies, invest in a few good suits. It’s well worth it. Maintain a professional demeanor in professional settings. Do not wear club clothes as business attire. Stop listening and paying attention to men who call you out by what your wearing, “yo ma” or the like. Know your self-worth.

    Men, stop calling women out by “yo ma” or the like. A great conversation starter is “Hello. What’s your name?” Not all women are attracted to cars, in fact some of us don’t care at all. Smoking is not an attractive quality. Neither is low hanging pants. Invest in a few professional suits.

    Students should come here for one reason and one reason alone- to graduate with a degree. Everything else is extra.

    I wish I could say the changes have all been for the better at A&T, but that’s not the case. I can honestly say the overall aura has changed for the worse.

    The sense of Aggie Pride is definitely not what it used to be. But it’s up to the current students to get it back or evolve the meaning of Aggie Pride.

    To the faculty, staff and administration: let me thank you for taking your time to deal with students every day. If you have personally helped me, I say thank you as well.

    However, I have to say this- because students are still in school and reaching for goals you may have already obtained, does not give the right to talk or treat them any which way you please. Respect is earned.

    Many of the students have been raised to respect their elders. But at some point in time, a student will and should stand up for what they believe in.

    It’s not meant to be disrespectful, but everyone has his or her limit.

    Talking to students any type of way will not earn anyone respect.

    To all my staff and editors, I cannot say thank you enough for all the work you have put in this year. Despite what some may think, I know you all have worked so hard to produce a good product. Keep doing what you have been trained to do- be good journalists.

    You know who you answer to and who you do not. Report the news and make the paper the best it can be.

    Thank you all for sticking by me throughout this year and having my back with the paper and outside the paper. I couldn’t ask for a harder working, funnier and overall great staff. I will miss each and every one of you.

    Also for the readers of the Register: We Are NOT a PR firm. We report news. We make all final decisions about what goes in and what doesn’t make the paper. Want to help? Join the staff or come to contributor’s meetings. If you don’t know the ins and outs of how the paper works, then do not complain.

    Overall, A&T is a great school and produces great alumni. I am blessed to say I am an A&T graduate. And lastly, “SUMMA baby!!”


    • Jasmine Johnson