The Student News Site of North Carolina A&T State University

The A&T Register

The Student News Site of North Carolina A&T State University

The A&T Register

The Student News Site of North Carolina A&T State University

The A&T Register

    Ask a Black Guy

    Would you say that racism still exist today?

    Guy #1 Yes, but not as strong as it has been in past years. Racism will not ever die, but I think it is fading little by little. The world is constantly changing and I think finally, after years of hatred, that it is finally changing for the good.

    Guy #2 Yes! I think there are two types of racism. There is some that is right up in your face. Some forms of racism are simply undeniable. While there are also other forms of racism that go under the radar. Not all racism is going to be so obvious. Sometimes it happens to us and we don’t even realize it.

    Guy #3 Yes, I think racism still exists. I think anybody who thinks it doesn’t is a little unrealistic. Racism is all around us. You can still see it happening even today.

    Why are so many black men dating white females?

    Guy #1 I think it is because racism is slowly being taken away from our society. By no means do I think racism is dead, but I do think that with our society becoming more and more integrated, we are naturally going to start dating people of other races and different backgrounds. I think it is actually a good thing in a way. I know a lot of black women may feel a certain way about it, but love is love. So I personally think the color of the girl should not matter.

    Guy #2 Personally I have an Asian girlfriend. I think black women are fine, but their biggest issue is that many of them take on too many roles oppose to letting a man take control. White women are used to letting a man take control and in our society the only good black men are old fashion and they want to take control of the relationship. However, many black women feel they have to take control and that’s why many black men cross over.

    Guy #3 I personally agree (with Guy #2). I think women are women, regardless of skin color. So it is not an issue of color. I think it all comes down to finding a woman who knows how to treat a man. And more and more white women know how to treat a man. And I don’t just mean physically, but mentally as well. I’m personally a fan of flavors. I think women are like ice cream. Chocolate could be my favorite flavor, but if I eat too much of it I’m going to be sick of it. Sometimes I might want to try some vanilla or strawberry. And people try and make that seem like a bad thing but in reality its not.

    Do you feel that being black is a hindrance? If so, do you have any personal examples?

    Guy #1 I think overall it is. There are some people who use the race card as a crutch, but there are also some people who are held down by things such as race. Personally, I feel that had it not been for the fact that I was black this educational experience would be different. For example, I think that it is hard for someone like me, a first generation college student, to battle against someone who is a 5th or 6th generation college student. And due to slavery, segregation, and much violence that’s the case for many black men and women. So I think it may be a hindrance, but not something that should stop us from reaching our dreams.

    Guy #2 Yes because of stereotypes. I think in our society we let stereotypes control our thoughts. Like if an employer wants to hire a black man, a lot of times they will probably hire the guy who “dresses white” opposed to the one who they think fits a certain stereotype. That is the biggest hindrance I think black people face.

    Guy #3 Yes because of racism. I think our society works off of many different things and stereotypes and racism is a couple of them. So anything black people want we have to work twice as hard. That’s proof right there that we have a hindrance.
