I am not really sure what to say or where to begin. These past four years flew by faster than I ever imagined they would.
I have met people I never imagined I would grow to care for or befriend.
I am only emotional with people I truly care about. However, the idea of parting ways with certain people on May 11 is a sad reality that I am not ready to face.
Shout out to Alpha Mu. I know I am supposed to be the articulate advocate, but I honestly cannot put to words how much I love Spring 11. Though I am a work in progress, I can honestly say my line sisters have been the foremost contributing factor in my growth as a woman. I will miss being able to walk through campus and pass five of my line sisters on any given day. And to Spring 13, know that I love you all too.
OG, I am glad to call you my best friend and line sister. This time we are actually parting ways. Clappa and Bawse, I am proud to be stuck between y’all.
Shout out to our court. Thanks for all of your help throughout this year and for providing me with endless laughs during pageant practice.
Shout out to screenie, woody, weavie, crazy, lil booger, artie, boppie, “da bait,” champie, and wifey. Lord knows I am gonna miss y’all.
Ali, we are about to be apart for the first time in 17 years. I do not know what I am going to do without you and Sahur, but know that I am beyond proud of your accomplishments. Keep working hard, but do not burn yourself out.
My ninja, thanks for teaching me how to drive. You have been too clutch and I appreciate you for it.
Erik, it was a pleasure working with you. I always respected your willingness to be in the newsroom awaiting Jesus’ arrival to make sure everything was complete.
Necole, please return my puppy.
Karmen, I know I’m the air you breathe, so I will be sure to get you an oxygen tank when I move.
Kash and Kalyn do not get brand new May 11.
But seriously, I love y’all.
Dr. Bonner and Dr. Levy, you are the two most inspirational instructors I have ever had in my life. Thank you Dr. Bonner for being passionate about what you do and always expecting only the best. Dr. Levy, thank you for exposing me to literature that has broadened my perception of the world and cultivated my depth of thought.
Anjan, my life guru, thanks for always listening to me complain, giving me advice, introducing me to dope music, and telling me when I am wrong.
Of course I saved the most important person for last, my brother. In short, thanks for looking out these past four years.
As much as I may complain about the cafe, Dowdy, and everything in between, I am proud to call myself an Aggie.
I could have lived more in my undergraduate years. I could have went to one more party, kickback, bar or club. I could have met one more person and had one more great conversation. But I did not because I was comfortable as a wallflower. So to those who will be here after May 11, live it up. Do not live in a bubble. Let the world be your comfort zone.
Do not take life for granted. Do not take for granted your family, friends, or anyone in your life. We often plan our futures, foolishly forgetting that tomorrow is not a guarantee. Do not get so caught up working to reach a goal that you fail to appreciate the journey.
Guys, I know college is tempting, but try not to break good girls’ hearts. Ladies, the same applies to you.
Forgive those who have hurt you, and embrace those who want to see you prosper.
Do not get caught up into pettiness and drama. Life is too short.
Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Thoreau said it best, “Live deep and suck out all the marrow of life.”
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