“How do you pick up guys?” was the general question that I asked some of my closest male friends. The response to this question was divided between laughter and disgusted facial expressions.
I expressed my recent frustrations with male illiteracy. Granted, I know how to have a conversation; however, when it comes to pursuing guys, I face an internal traumatic experience every time. Being that I am a Cowboys fan, football talk is second nature. I can kick butt in Tekken, which explains my PS3 possession, and although I am not a Betty Crocker, I make a decent baked chicken. Overall, I am all right if you ask me, so what do I have to lose?
Well, for one I am a person who pays attention to physical features. A lot of people beg to differ. I generally blame it on how I like to get to know a guy’s personality; however, it sucks when a person who you did not deem attractive in the first place plays you.
The first step in knowing how to approach a guy is to know and understand what guy’s look for in a girl when he pursues or is being pursued. You do not have to agree, but it is useful information. Time is money and money is time. You would not spend your money on something that you did not know how to work, so why spend your time?
According to my male counterparts, there are three main components in a guy’s pursuing agenda: physical, communication, and intellectual well-being.
“No one looks at your personality and says, man her personality look good,” said a Justin Pressley, a member of the Board.
“A male is looking for excitement. Sex may not turn out to be the only thing, but it is a main factor.”
This is not to be interpreted as men only wanting sex, but when a guy sees a female he is attracted to her physical features. Once that attraction is established it can take 24 to 48 hours or even less for a male to decide if he likes you, and how far he may consider taking it. The physical component also includes how she carries herself.
The next component is communication. You have to know how to communicate in order to keep his interest. “One word texts, cut off,” agreed the Board. The final component is intellectual well-being. “Be smart, have some type of sense,” said the Board.
But components two and three generally do not happen if the physical is not up to par. “None of this matters if he is not attracted to this woman, unless she has status,” said the Board. Status means being known, financially stable, or of public importance. Components two and three can still get you the boot, even if you are very attractive. The Board agreed that status is a plus when a female is attractive. If the female is shy, a guy who finds her attractive will try to bring the good communication out of her.
When asking the Board how they felt about girl’s approaching them, they thought it was cool. “Be yourself,” they encouraged; guys can tell when a female is not being herself.
I opened the question to the A&T Register staff; they also agreed to be you. “Cool, calm and collected,” said Laci Ollison, opinions editor. Often when a female is really into a guy she may try to conform into the girl that the guy would usually go after, if she is not the “usual.”
“She grabbed my butt,” said Taylor Wilson, graphic designer. “It worked out because I was into her,” said Wilson who agreed that looks are the first factor in the cuffing game. However, it does not exempt someone from liking you once you get to know him or her.
“I wouldn’t want to grab anyone’s butt because I wouldn’t want them to think that sex is all I want from,” said Shelby Christie, arts and entertainment editor.
In conclusion, aggression is only attractive when the female is attractive. I do not recommend grabbing body parts to show interest, but as the posted note says on my Board members wall of guest house rules, “NO BEING UGLY.”
Until next time.
-Email Jordan at [email protected] and follow her on twitter @itsme_agannn
- Meagan Jordan Editor in Chief