What did you do for spring break?
Guy #1- I just went home for spring break. I tried to get a few friends together but nobody has any money so I just went home and spent time with my family. But home for me is Wilmington so I got a chance to go to the beach and get together with a few of my friends from high school.
Guy #2- For spring break my wife and I finally got a chance to take some time off and spend some time together. With both of us being educators we often have very little time to spend together since we both have papers to grades, books to write, and degrees to get. Yet despite that, this year we decided that we will put everything on hold and simply enjoy the company of each other. So my spring break was very relaxing and enjoyable.
Guy #3- Spring break for me was very productive. With graduation right around the corner I was focused on applying for jobs, doing internships, and working towards life after college. I did Miami and everything in my previous years. However, now it is time for me to buckle down and get serious because spring break and college life do not last forever.
What are your plans for the end of the semester?
Guy #1- I think at this point we all have the same goal and that is to finish with great grades. I slacked a little at the beginning of the semester, however now is time to pick it up. I want my first year to end with a bang. I didn’t do so well my first semester so I want to be able to say I did better my second semester. And although it doesn’t look like that right now, I know I’m going to end this year the right way.
Guy #2- I want my students to stay focused and for them end the semester strong. It has been a long semester already for everyone, however I plan to try to make my students work hard to earn the grade and be proud of the work they have done.
Guy #3- My plans are to end the semester the same way I began it: working hard to maintain a high GPA, keep my social life intact, and graduate ON TIME! I have come way too far to blow it now so I just want to end the semester on a high note.
What are a few issues you feel the upcoming SGA administration should focus on next school year?
Guy #1- I think we should focus on cleaning up a lot of these STD’s around campus. A&T has a bad reputation for sexually transmitted diseases and I feel that the student body always brushes it under the rug. We have a few random testing here and there but I think if we acknowledge the fact that STD’s are a problem on campus, then we can find a new way to fix it for future Aggies. It might be embarrassing to admit but I’d rather see the problem get fixed than to ignore it and let the problem get worse.
Guy #2- SGA should focus on cleaning up the drug problem around campus. People keep destroying their minds and harming their bodies all over campus. In a story you guys wrote a few weeks ago it said that drug abuse is the biggest problem on campus. I think if we can clean up the drugs on campus then our students will have a clear mind and be able to focus on school work more.
Guy #3- I think we should focus on issues off campus more. Every year our administrations say “bringing Aggie Pride back!” Yet Aggie Pride is dying because we stopped having really strong movements by our SGA off campus. We have different groups that do things on their own, but we rarely, if ever, have our SGA sponsor an event off campus outside of homecoming and AggieFest. I think I would love to see our SGA have a stronger connection with the Greensboro community.