The Student News Site of North Carolina A&T State University

The A&T Register

The Student News Site of North Carolina A&T State University

The A&T Register

The Student News Site of North Carolina A&T State University

The A&T Register

    Ask a Black Guy

    Why can’t black women find a good black boyfriend?

    Guy #1- Perhaps it’s because you ask stupid questions like this. I know plenty of strong black women who are completely content with being single. However, too many of you are so concerned with finding a man that you lose focus on finding yourself. How can you say what a good man is if you don’t even know enough about yourself? Maybe the reason you cannot find a good man is because you aren’t a good enough woman. Find yourself first, and then that man will fall into place.

    Guy #2- Because black women are becoming increasingly more crazy! Most of them do not even know what they want. Women are raised to find a man. But you all are not willing to face trial and error. In addition to that, many of you are afraid to face judgment from other women. But more importantly, black men are not looking for a girlfriend! Our stock went up when Obama was elected and studies show that black women are not the most desirable to marry right now, so why would we want to settle down?

    Guy #3- Ask yourself “Where are you looking?” “What are you looking for?” and “Did you ever consider that you might be the problem?” After you answer those questions, then I’m sure you will know why you can’t find a man.

    Why is it so hard for men to be satisfied with just one girl?

    Guy #1 Just look around! When you think you got the best options, something better always comes around. It’s like a new car or a new pair of Jordan’s. Women look good, but there’s always another girl who looks better.

    Guy #2 For the same reason a rich man cannot be satisfied with just one car. Or the same reason a black woman cannot be satisfied with just one pair of shoes. Men, not just black men either, have been dealing with multiple women since thousands of years ago. This is not just an African American thing. It’s a man thing. We cannot be satisfied because we have the option to have multiple women. This may not be fair, but it’s the way the world works.

    Guy #3 I would have to say it’s because we always want something we cannot have. A man cheats because he is either greedy or tired of what he already has. Our society is full of greed and when it comes to multiple partners the same rules apply. However, oppose to moving on, we like to rack up on as many people as we can. Even if we are bored with you, we still might keep you around just to have someone to fall back on.

    What is your favorite quality about black women?

    Guy #1: Their strength! Black women are some of the strongest and most loyal people on the earth. Nothing beats a girl who is actually down for her man. And of all the women on this world, I would say that black women are best at that. Black women can take anything this world throws at them, and for that they get all my love.

    Guy #2: I love the fact that every black woman has a story worth listening to. I think the lives black women, especially in America, live are simply fascinating. You can never tell if their lives have been filled with pain or pleasure by the look on their face. Being black in America is not easy. Yet being a woman has to be even worse. So I guess the fact that they are both black and women are a gift and a curse. Their struggle is balanced out by their enormous amount of strength and that’s what I love about them the most!

    Guy #3: The fact that there is no me without them. My mother, grandmother, sister, niece, etc. are all black women. I love the fact that the people closest to my heart understand me better than I understand myself most of the time. I may not treat black women the way the need to be treated at times, but in the end I love them because they support me unconditionally.