On Wednesday Feb. 27, the senate held their last meeting before spring break to vote on new constitution and bylaw updates.
The senate was unable to obtain quorum for the meeting, which prevented senators from being able to vote on the constitution and bylaw changes.
Instead the Vice President of Internal Affairs, Darian Thompson, discussed committee updates and a new partnership between N.C. A&T’s and UNCG’s Student Government Associations along with the Association of Student Governments.
From March 25th-29th, these associations will work with ASG to host events to bring awareness to food and housing insecurities in East Greensboro.
Events for that week are as followed.
Monday 3/25: Tables will be set up at UNCG to advertise events for the week along with flyers providing statistics on food and housing insecurities
Tuesday 3/26: A panel program in the N.C. A&T New Student Center with different student groups from both campuses and the UNCG food pantry director to develop solutions for food insecurity.
Wednesday 3/27: There will be a social media takeover to post facts about food and housing insecurities along with wearing orange in honor of World Hunger Day.
Thursday 3/28: SGA day of service (time and location to be determined)
Friday 3/29: A joint UNCG and N.C. A&T community meal on UNCG’s Elliott University Center lawn with catering, music and a canned good competition to obtain donations for the food pantry.
These events will give both SGAs from a chance to develop a better working relationship along with showing the universities what senators do behind the scenes.
“Being a senator would give me a way to help this problem that was going on within the College of Education because I didn’t want other students to fall victim to something I fell victim to,” said Dawn Moye, a senior elementary education student.
Senate committees were also able to provide updates on current assignments and statuses of their year-long project.
Updates from committees are as followed.
District 1: Working on emailing dean about the Dudley swipe system to get a walk through of the building and system, but having security issues.
District 3: Currently working with procurement to get more color printers on campus, and developing a project to make campus greener, just waiting to hear back from environmental clubs on campus and other facilities to try to add more recycling bins on campus.
Rules and Regulations Committee: Met to make official changes to constitution that were confirmed in January.
Campus Life Committee: Currently going over designs for Mister and Miss A&T pageant, and working with the masters of ceremony, along with getting a light bill for improvements on the southside of campus.
Academic Affairs: Due to schedule conflicts haven’t had a chance to meet.
College reports on year long projects are as followed.
District 1: Project is to create a student advisory board for the college, and have been working with the dean to develop. Have also created comment and suggestion boxes for the college.
District 2: Project is to gain more exposure for the College of Agriculture + better relationship with advisors and career fair-had their own ag fair to showcase internships, trying to spread knowledge about their careers, looking into a community service event
District 3: College of Business and Economics project is to revamp student evaluations and they have met with faculty senate to provide better questions.
District 4: The College of Education met with the Dean, and their project is to create better communication within the college. Trying to develop a new testing preparation course during sophomore and junior years, along with having alternative courses for people who don’t pass the teaching license exam. Also trying to find alternatives for test funding that will hopefully be given through the college. A town hall meeting is also scheduled for late March.
District 5: Project is to develop a better relationship with faculty and students, and are currently looking at advisors for each section, to create a rate my advisor form for the end of the year that will include star ranking and a summary, that will help freshman or students that want to switch from advisor to advisor.
District 6: Project is to work on collaboration between schools in the college of science, and have met with the coordinator in nursing, social work, and sports science. Want to have a clinical available to help merge some of the different majors for a case study similar to schools like ELon and UNCG. Want to have an accountability form for advisors to be able to check off, while advising students. The president of the social work and sociology club plan to conduct a feedback workshop with groups from different departments providing feedback on sticky notes on April 10th and then present the information to the chair and dean with a second town hall meeting.
There was no one present for District 7.
The next senate meeting is scheduled to be held on March 20, 2019. Check for updates on that meeting.