There are many women on N.C. A&T’s campus that needs empowerment and one student has created the organization just for that.
Akiva’ Rooks, a senior public relations student, started a non-profit organization, “I’ll Keep Her.” Her mission involves spreading the word of self-love and women’s empowerment to all.
“Honestly I just wanted to work on myself. No interruptions, no distractions. Just me being in tuned with the core of myself,” said Rooks.
I’ll Keep Her is the meaning of Akiva’s name and has always reminded her to stay grounded; with a slogan like “Preserves, Invest, and Manifest” she does just that.
The first two years of Rooks’ college career she went through a process of rediscovering herself this discovery inspired her to create something that could do the same for other young just like her, reaching and empowering 18 to 24-year-old women.
According to Rooks, these are the prime ages of growth and transition making self-love and awareness the main tools needed to guide young women to a healthy success.
Her brand is to represent the levels of self-love and awareness needed in crucial points in women’s lives while also providing a safe and healing environment where women are encouraged and taught about keeping a healthy mind and body.
I’ll Keep Her has workshops, networking events, seminars, and creative events to touch on internal and external health through conversation which is aimed towards letting go of repressed feelings.
Throughout these events, I’ll Keep Her will discuss healthy ways to cope for spirituality and healing; they will encourage development for all involved to be the best they can be. Services will also include expression nights, art showcases, scholarships, community service, and self love engagements.
This organization will allow for N.C. A&T women to have somewhere to vent, heal, and let go of the things that pain them.
For more information visit I’
Follow Rooks on Instagram at IllKeepHerInc.