Spread Da Luv Co. is a student-run non-profit organization dedicated to mental health advocacy, providing support and a safe space for college students to express themselves through workshops.
In 2023, senior construction management student Jeremiah Simpson launched Spread Da Luv to create a safe space for like-minded people to have uncomfortable conversations, love each other, and spread awareness about mental health.
Since then, the organization has become a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and welcomed over 50 members.
“I created Spread Da Luv Co. understanding that it’s important to create safe spaces for open conversations, where individuals feel heard and understood without judgment,” Simpson said. “Advocacy means educating ourselves and others about the importance of mental health, reducing the stigma, and providing access to resources that support healing and well-being. We’re all on a journey, and it’s okay to ask for help whenever you need it.”
Inspired by Simpson’s idea of Spread Da Luv Co., senior psychology student and Vice President Anylah Cox felt intrigued to join because of her passion for having a safe space for people to say they were not okay.
“Growing up in a religious black household with young parents who were so broken within themselves, mental health was not a conversation,” Cox said.
After receiving a mental illness diagnosis, Cox made it a priority to become educated on mental health.
“I have had to learn how to navigate my diagnosis while also not allowing it to consume me,” Cox said. “Conversations about mental health should not be taboo because it could potentially save a life.”
Spread Da Love Co. hosts many service projects and creative space events like a poetry slam and ‘Garden of Faith,’ a partnership with Faith Community Church geared towards helping grow their garden to feed communities with food insecurities and deficits.
As the current president and one of the original members, junior accounting student Trinity Benjamin aspires to create more initiatives and programs that focus more on the emotional and mental health of the youth during her reign.

“My journey gave me the experience to know how I could go about [being president], and when people come up to me, and we are going through the same thing that we can relate to, we create a bond, and I know that I’m not the only one going through this,” Benjamin said. “Gaining friends who pour in love and creating a family that poured in love made me realize that this journey is not a one-person journey; this is a group journey; it’s a family journey.”
The organization is developing a program to help college students access affordable therapy. It will serve as a third-party resource, connecting students to therapists who offer free or discounted services. This will make it easier for students to find therapy and get their needed support.
With the program in place to bridge students to affordable treatment, the organization has seen an encouraging increase in engagement and attendance.
“We are a growing organization, so I am always happy to see a growing attendance rate. I appreciate and notice the energy we create,” Cox said. “I look for smiles, listen to laughs, and always ensure everyone is engaged and comfortable. I count that as a success as long as we created a safe space and had fun.”
As for the future of Spread Da Luv Co., Benjamin, Cox, and Simpson anticipate the expansion of the organization to other local campuses and eventually becoming nationally recognized.
Reflecting on the importance of mental health support, Benjamin emphasized how crucial it is for individuals to know they’re not alone in their struggles.
“If someone is struggling, they should know they’re not alone,” Benjamin said. “Even in the toughest moments, when the pain feels overwhelming, it’s important to remember that it’s temporary. Sometimes, we get stuck in that pain, but it won’t last forever. Finding a community that nurtures you, where you can give and receive support, can make all the difference.”
Follow @spreaddaluvv and @spreaddaluvco on Instagram for upcoming programs and community service opportunities.