N.C. A&T is full of student entrepreneurs, especially those who take an interest in the fashion industry as owners of clothing brands.

One business owner, Ezra Evans, is the founder of Campus Cargo, a brand specializing in hoodies, hats, shirts and other apparel that bring awareness to the history of A&T and the city of Greensboro.
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Evans is a senior marketing student who transferred to A&T after originally attending school in New York. However, Evans is no stranger to the Triad; he is a Greensboro native and a second-generation Aggie.
“I remember as a kid we went on a field trip to the museum, that’s when I was first introduced to the A&T Four,” Evans said.
He created Campus Cargo with the desire to provide students and alumni with a unique way to show their school spirit. His February One hoodie design highlights the “A&T Four,” the four students who organized a sit-in at Woolworth’s lunch counter in Greensboro during the Civil Rights Movement.
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“I feel there’s a disconnect between school spirit store merchandise and trending clothing styles,” Evans explained.
With a vision for style, Evans launched his brand during the homecoming in 2022. Campus Cargo’s first product was a t-shirt featuring a Halloween skeletal theme and highlighting the many national championships won by A&T in football. From there, the brand began to gain traction and be recognized across campus.
“At homecoming the love [for the brand] was instant,” Evans said.
Homecoming allowed Evans the opportunity to network with fellow Aggies and HBCU students. He began to promote and build the brand as a one-person team. His support system of friends also helped him, using their experience in the fashion industry to give him tips.

As February marks the start of Black History Month and the anniversary of the “A&T Four Sit-Ins,” the February One hoodie designed by Evans remains Campus Cargo’s most popular item.
“I want to highlight Black success. I was inspired by the A&T Four so the design reminds me of their strength,” he explained.
Now, Evans is hoping to finalize the next design to be released by Campus Cargo. He hopes to continue forward progression in his work by stepping in a direction no one else has thought of.
“We like to highlight quality and put out products that have not been done,” Evans said when describing the mission of Campus Cargo.
The company is currently in a transitional period of creating new products. Evans hinted at the next release hoping for it to come just in time for the warm weather.
“For me, a good product takes six months to a year to develop. The next thing will be a dope summer tee,” Evans shared.
Upcoming releases can be expected in a pre-order format which guarantees delivery times and availability for customers.
He hopes to be an inspiration for other students who have an idea. He encourages future entrepreneurs to believe in themselves and take the first step, which is starting.
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“It only takes one post; the internet is crazy, and you have to put yourself out there,” Evans said.
For more information on Campus Cargo and to catch upcoming releases, the brand can be found on Instagram.