The pass/fail grading option has been approved today by N.C. A&T Provost Beryl McEwen and the Division of Academic Affairs for undergraduate and graduate students.
To clear confusion on how the process for this opportunity would operate, a link to more information was also included in the email.
“Students who are planning to attend graduate or professional schools after graduation are athletes, are on academic probation, are nursing majors or have other special circumstances are strongly encouraged to talk with their academic advisors or department chairs before choosing the alternate grading opportunity,” the memorandum from Kelly Rowett James, university registrar included.
For undergraduate and graduate students, there are several highlights in the undergraduate memorandum and graduate memorandum.
- Each course will continue to be graded on a normal grading scale by the instructor
- The earned grade will be applied at the end of the semester, but the faculty member will not know if a student chose the pass/fail alternative
- “P-1” will be applied to the student’s banner system, if a passing grade is earned
- If the student receives a failing grade, then they will be informed and can request a retroactive withdrawal
- The student’s withdrawals and repeats will not be affected by this. However, they must ensure to request a retroactive withdrawal
- Alternate grades will not be included in students’ GPAs
- Due to the new grading opportunity, the Dean’s List and Chancellor’s List will not be created
Students who wish to request this new grading opportunity must submit the online form from the university beginning April 15, 2020, until June 30, 2020.
“A note will be placed on the transcripts of all students who enrolled in courses during Spring 2020 to indicate the health emergency that challenged all students to adapt quickly to online learning,” James included.
The university released several updates including the new grading opportunity, summer school updates and new deadline for tuition payments.